Updated: A Word from Pastor Nathan …

A Word from Pastor Nathan … 

With Pastor Susan’s departure, the congregation appropriately enters a time of prayer, reflection, and conversation about the future staffing structure of Trinity Church.  To address immediate needs, Pastor Cliff Gerber will assist with preaching, worship leadership, and pastoral care until more permanent structures are put in place.

On Sunday, December 10, Pastor Sara Anderson, Associate to Bishop James Hazelwood, New England Synod, will be at Trinity to preach, participate in a Q & A during the 9 a.m. Adult Forum, and be available for conversation during the Coffee Hour following the 10 a.m. liturgy.  She will answer any questions people might have about the Synod’s partnership with Trinity in this time of transition and in the years ahead.

Beyond that, I look forward to an open, honest, and faithful conversation about possibilities for long term staffing structures that best proclaim the Gospel and respond to the needs of a rapidly changing church and world.  As part of that conversation I am eager to hear your hopes, dreams, and concerns.  Please feel free to reach out to me in the way most convenient for you.  I can be reached by office phone at 508-753-2989 Ext. 13.  Email:  [email protected].   Or, please feel to drop me a note in my office mailbox.

I look forward to discerning the work of the Holy Spirit with you as the Spirit leads us in ongoing faithfulness and discipleship.  To God be the glory!