Baptisms / New Members

Through Water and the Word in the Sacrament of Holy Baptism we welcome  into Christ’s church, Lucia Maeve Stoner, the daughter of Alison and Samuel Stoner; and Willow June Gregoire, daughter of Leah and Bryan Gregoire.  Lucia’s sponsors are Katherine Stoner and Sean & Megan Dunleavy, and Willow’s sponsors are Aleena Bando and Daniel DePari.  Almighty God, who has given Lucia and Willow new birth by water and the Holy Spirit, and bestowed on them the forgiveness of sins, keep them in eternal life through the grace of Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

 Today we receive a new member as a sign of the Holy Spirit’s ongoing work building Christ’s church.  The new member received by Affirmation of Baptism is Charles Muhanguzi.  As we have been brought together by the Holy Spirit, may we be sustained as brothers and sisters in Christ by the Spirit’s work!