Worship Schedule

Event Information:

  • Sun

    Sunday of the Passion / Palm Sunday

    We invite you to worship with us during this pandemic either in-person or online.

    LIVESTREAM video available at www.vimeo.com/trinityworcester

    Holy Eucharist is offered in the Trinity Nave at 10:00 a.m. every Sunday. All attendees wear face-masks and follow posted physical distancing guidelines. Up to six singers with masks sing from the organ gallery during the liturgy. The assembly does not sing. We commune with the bread only, received directly from the Presiding Minister in mask and gloves. This worship service is also available to watch and hear online via our Vimeo channel or through our congregational website.

    In light of the ongoing risk posed by the coronavirus we invite you to make a responsible and healthy decision regarding your participation in our worship. Lutherans teach and confess that Christ is present in the assembly gathered around the proclaimed Word of God, in the water and the Word of Holy Baptism, and in the shared meal of bread and wine at Holy Communion.


    Mark 11:1-11 Processional Gospel: Jesus enters Jerusalem

    Isaiah 50:4-9a The servant submits to suffering

    Philippians 2:5-11 Death on a cross

    Mark 14:1—15:47 The passion and death of Jesus

    Psalmody: Psalm 31:9-16 Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit

    Hymn of the Day: Hymn 343 My Song Is Love Unknown, LOVE UNKNOWN

    Oftentimes, to grasp the fullness of something significant, we have to look at both sides. So it is that to approach the meaning of Christ, we have to say two things: Jesus and Christ; human and divine; dead and alive; bread and body. This Sunday celebrates these two sides: we begin by praising Christ with “Hosanna,” and we go on to shout “Crucify him!” Come to join us as we fit both truths into one service.