Requirements for attending in-person worship

In-person worship is offered in the Trinity Nave in compliance with the most current COVID19-related guidance to Houses of Worships offered by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

To attend in-person worship, all attendees must: 

  • wear a mask or face covering
  • enter the building through the Office Door entrance
  • sanitize hands upon entry
  • maintain six feet physical distancing at all times
  • sit in designated pews and at least six feet away from others not in your household (families/households may sit together)
  • if a restroom is required, only use the restroom in the Narthex
  • leave name and best contact information in the event contact tracing is required
  • remain seated until dismissed by an usher at the conclusion of the postlude
  • leave the building immediately upon the conclusion of the liturgy
  • comply with any specific directions offered by Ministry Staff or Ushers in implementing safe physical distancing guidelines and reducing the risk of transmission

Parents with young children are invited to use the space at the rear of the nave.

An offering will be collected in a fixed location at the conclusion of the liturgy. Though no gatherings for fellowship in the building are allowed at this time, we do encourage a time of fellowship on the Trinity Green or in the parking lot at the conclusion of the liturgy.

All members and friends are encouraged to make a responsible decision on whether to worship using online resources or to attend worship in-person.  God’s life-giving Word will be proclaimed in both liturgies and Pastor Nathan and Council ask that you make a healthy decision for you, your family, and your community.