Ministry Cabinet

Trinity has 7 areas of ministry that are separate from governance committees and the council.  Each ministry has a chair person. Together, the chairs make up the Ministry Cabinet. This is an awesome group of people full of passion, questions, ideas and love for God and the work of The Church. The Ministry Cabinet met on February 12th with Ministry Staff and our new Council President, Nancy Fontneau, to talk about how things are going and what is coming up that we need to pay attention to. We are grateful for each of these leaders! Special thanks to Mary Tarquinio for all of the work she has done as the Chair of Welcoming over the past few years.

There are two openings for Chairs of Ministries. If you are passionate about Worship & Music or Welcoming, please talk to a member of the Ministry Staff to see if you might be a good fit for either of those positions!

2020 Ministry Chairs
Communications/Social Media-Leah Gregoire
Faith In Action-Lori Doyle
Hospitality/Fellowship-Katherine Duffy
Music & Worship-open position
Faith Formation/Education-Beth Getman
Stewardship-Dave Horn
Welcoming-open position