Welcome Pastor Mark Perry as our Intentional Interim Lead Pastor

“It is an honor and a privilege to introduce myself as your Intentional Interim Pastor.   I look forward to getting acquainted as I begin serving after Labor Day. I am officially called by the New England Synod as a “Transition Consultant” serving in a ¾ time Covenant relationship with Trinity, the roles and responsibilities of which you can read below.

I am here to accompany, support and prayerfully guide you through a time that may feel anxious and uncertain, but which can also be a wonderful opportunity of discerning and experiencing God’s Spirit at work in strengthening mission and ministry.

With thirty-eight years of serving as parish pastor in a variety of congregational settings and sizes and, most recently, serving for over fourteen months as a ¾ time transition pastor at First Lutheran Church in Portland, Maine, and ¼ time intentional interim at Grace Lutheran Church in Auburn, Maine, you can trust that I will work hard and faithfully with your leaders to help move the congregation more strongly into the future God has in mind for you.

I’ve lived mostly in the Southwest. Born a “PK” (Pastor’s Kid) in Alameda, California, my one brother and parents lived in southern and central California until, when I was a sophomore in high school, we moved to Phoenix, Arizona where I soon met and eventually married my high school sweetheart, Linda.  I graduated from ASU with a B.A. in History and with a M.Div. from Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary.

After serving one church in the Los Angeles area, I served four congregations in Arizona until moving to New England last May.

This big move for us was made in part because of a new sense of calling both to this Transition Ministry and to strengthening connections with our three daughters and their families who, coincidently, live within a few hours of each other.   We now reside permanently in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, where our oldest daughter, her husband and three daughters live.   (And, yes, it will be a long commute, but I will also stay over some nights in Worcester).

In addition to the special congregation-wide and small group events and activities that are part of the interim work, I’m also available and eager to assist with the typical care and activities of a regular pastor. One of my first goals will be to visit with leaders, staff, and other members and congregational friends. Please let the office know if you’d like a visit or a phone call.

From what I’ve seen and experienced so far, you have a great team of caring and dedicated leaders who are eager and committed to work together for the good of all.  I’m excited to be a part of this unfolding chapter in your long and faithful story of God working through Trinity Lutheran Church as part of His healing presence in a hurting world.”

Your fellow servant in Christ,

Pastor Mark Eugene Perry*

*(and do feel free to call me “Pastor Mark”)


Covenant for Lead Intentional Interim Pastor
Trinity, Worcester, MA & Pr. Mark Perry

It is my privilege to support the mission and ministry of Trinity Lutheran Church in Worcester,
MA, as intentional interim pastor.
In prayerful conversation with the Congregation Council I have discussed the Healthy
Transitions policies and expectations of the New England Synod, ELCA and I enter into
the following covenant. I agree:

 to pray for my predecessor in their new ministry or retirement for the sake of the mission
of the Church;
 to speak well of my predecessor and interpret everything they did in the best possible
 to treat my predecessor with respect as a sibling in Christ and valued pastoral colleague;
 to assist the members of the congregation to find comfort and come to closure after the
departure of my predecessor;
 to engage the congregation in the developmental tasks of intentional interim
ministry, namely to:
o tell the story of the congregation’s ministry and celebrate the contributions of both
lay and clergy persons who served the congregation;
o work to maintain/enhance the congregation’s relationship with the Synod and the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America;
o assist the congregation in any lay leadership transitions which may occur during
the intentional interim period;
o assist the congregation in making a comprehensive evaluation of its current
mission and ministries;
o assist the congregation in visioning its future mission and ministry in preparation
for the calling of its next regularly called pastor.

 to engage the congregation in the developmental tasks specific to this congregation as
identified by the council:
 to provide pastoral supervision of full-time and part-time staff;
 to preach and preside at all regular liturgies of the congregation to include 3 Sundays a
 to provide pastoral care to members in cooperation with the ¼ time transition pastor
 To provide pastoral leadership for the meetings and activities of the congregation.
 to be responsible for the parish records
 to communicate regularly with the congregation and with the Office of the Bishop as to
the progress of the interim work.
 to make clear to all concerned that my service as intentional interim pastor excludes me
from consideration for the regularly called pastorate of this congregation.

The congregation agrees:
 to support the work of the intentional interim pastor
 to adopt the developmental tasks outlined above
 to begin the call process for settled pastor only after the interim ministry goals and
developmental tasks have been adequately achieved

 to pay the intentional interim pastor according to synod compensation guidelines and to
provide pension and health insurance through the ELCA Board of Pension and to
reimburse mileage according to IRS rates (www.irs.gov). (The compensation package is
on file in the church office.)

Effective Dates of this Covenant: September 3, 2024 through June 2, 2025, which may be
extended by mutual agreement.

This covenant may be terminated by either party with 30 days written notice.
It is understood that this covenant does not affect, or require termination of, friendships
with individuals who are members of this congregation.