Worship this Sunday

We invite you to join us for worship this Sunday! Whether you are a life-long Christian or beginning to explore spirituality for the first time, you are welcome at Trinity Lutheran Church. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Event Information:

  • Sun

    First Sunday of Advent

    Holy Eucharist is offered every Sunday. A shorter, simpler service with no choir and fewer musical elements is offered at 8:00 a.m. in Christ Chapel. The full Sunday service with choir is offered at 10:00 a.m. in the Nave. All attendees wear face-masks and follow posted physical distancing guidelines. This 10:00 a.m. worship service is also available to watch and hear online via our Vimeo channel or through our congregational website. (www.vimeo.com/trinityworcester)

    In light of the ongoing risk posed by the coronavirus we invite you to make a responsible and healthy decision regarding your participation in our worship. Lutherans teach and confess that Christ is present in the assembly gathered around the proclaimed Word of God, in the water and the Word of Holy Baptism, and in the shared meal of bread and wine at Holy Communion.


    Jeremiah 33:14-16 A righteous branch springs from David

    1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 Strengthen hearts of holiness

    Luke 21:25-36 Watch for the coming of the Son of Man

    Psalmody: Psalm 25:1-10 To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul

    Hymn of the Day: Hymn 436, Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying, WACHET AUF

    This coming Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent. God is “advancing” towards us: in the past in the life of Jesus; in the present in word and sacrament; and in the future, even if there is disaster, in everlasting life. This Sunday we light the first candle on our Advent wreath, and we begin a year-long reading from the gospel of Luke.

As you browse this site, God give you strength, hope and joy in Christ Jesus for the living of these days.