Worship this Sunday

We invite you to join us for worship this Sunday! Whether you are a life-long Christian or beginning to explore spirituality for the first time, you are welcome at Trinity Lutheran Church. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Event Information:

  • Sun

    Sunday, November 17 Time after Pentecost – Lectionary 33

    10:00 am

    Malachi 4:1-2a A day of blistering heat for the arrogant; a day of healing for the righteous
    2 Thessalonians 3:6-13 Do not be idle, but do what is right for the sake of Christ
    Luke 21:5-19 Jesus speaks of wars, endurance, betrayal, and suffering for his sake
    Psalmody: Psalm 98 In the righteousness will the LORD judge the world. (Ps. 98:9)

    Hymn of the Day: Hymn 626, By Gracious Powers, TELOS

    How should Christians think about God’s power, granting wars, earthquakes, plagues, injustice, and strife even within families? This coming Sunday the gospel holds these examples of human suffering next to the word of Christ, who will save us.

    8:00 a.m. — Holy Eucharist (Chapel)
    10:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist (Nave)

As you browse this site, God give you strength, hope and joy in Christ Jesus for the living of these days.