New England Synod World Hunger Appeal

BIG HUNGER CHALLENGES, BOLD GENEROUS RESPONSE / The World Hunger Team of the New England Synod brings a $100,000 matching grant to congregations donating to ELCA World Hunger through the Synod from Lent to Pentecost, February 22 to May 28.  With this grant we have the capacity to raise $200,000!  ELCA World Hunger works through congregations, global companion churches and partners in over 60 countries, such as Lutheran World Federation, Lutheran World Relief, and Church World Service.

We are making it easy for us as a congregation to come together to support this project. During Lent, there will be collection boxes at the entrances to the Nave for your donations. To give by check, make your check payable to Trinity Lutheran Church, and put “NE World Hunger” on the memo line and place your offering in the collection box. To give electronically, a QR code on the box will take you directly to Vanco in order to make an online donation. Or, you can click HERE

Trinity was one of the top giving congregations in the New England Synod last year.  Together we can make a difference!  For more information, please speak with Bess Sproul.