A note from Pastor Nathan regarding Coronavirus precautions

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Dear friends,

I returned today from vacation to a social situation very different from the one I left.  In response to the pandemic, schools are closed, sports and musical events have been cancelled, meetings have been postponed, and each one of us is called to practice social distancing for the sake of “flattening the curve” to prevent, or at least hopefully slow, the spread of the coronavirus.

Some have questioned whether or not we should meet for worship tomorrow.  In addition to cancelling all public meetings, indeed some churches have cancelled worship.  At least for tomorrow, we will meet for worship on schedule at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.  As previously announced, these liturgies will be Service of the Word without Eucharist and the Sharing of Peace.  While we celebrate the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, we also give thanks for the real presence of Christ in the preached Word.  Also, the offering plate will not be passed but will be stationed for people to deposit their offering without touching the plate.  For those choosing to attend, please greet one another without shaking hands and spread out throughout the Chapel and Nave, comfortably allowing space between you and people around you.  In addition, please know that Building Manager Frank Ricardo, Trinity’s custodians Rose and Bob, Trinity’s cleaning service Pro1, volunteers from the congregation, and teachers and staff from both the TLC PReschool and The T.E.C. Schools, are in the process of a deep clean of all surfaces of the building, including toys used by the children. With all of these precautions, I believe we can safely gather for worship at this time.

However, for those choosing not to attend worship, or unable to attend because you are experiencing symptoms of infection (even if you believe they are from allergies or a common cold), have come into contact with someone infected, or have underlying health conditions making you most vulnerable to the virus, I invite you to watch tomorrow’s service online.  On most Sundays, morning worship is posted on Vimeo by late Sunday afternoon.  After about 4:00 p.m. you may access it here:  https://vimeo.com/trinityworcester.  In additional, after a short pause in regularly posting my sermons to my blog, I will again begin posting my sermons at http://nathanpipho.com. Tomorrow’s sermon will be posted online by early afternoon.

In this time, as people of faith, it is important for each of us to be responsible and calm.  Acting responsibly, let us follow the guidelines and recommendations of medical professionals.  Remaining calm, let us live in faith and hope.  While a healthy fear of the coronavirus should guide our actions, let us not live in fear of one another or those around us.  Let us continue to love and pray for one another, especially those most vulnerable or isolated. Responsible and calm, may we give witness to the hope within us, that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Nathan