Unless otherwise noted, Music at Trinity events are free to the public. This programming is supported by generous giving, to the glory of God, by members of Trinity Lutheran Church and many friends of the congregation who support the arts. Please consider making a contribution to this music ministry.
All gifts are tax deductible and based on the program year (September-June). Please make checks payable to “Trinity Lutheran Church” and note “Music at Trinity” on the memo line. Contributions will be listed in Music at Trinity concert programs for the remainder of the program year, or can be made anonymously.
You may also donate electronically by clicking here.
Thank you!
Music at Trinity is a member of the Worcester Cultural Coalition.
For more information about Music at Trinity Events, please contact Cantor Mark Mummert at [email protected].
A special “thank you” to all who make Music at Trinity possible with financial gifts and to all who volunteer in any capacity, including preparing and staffing receptions, ushering, and other tasks. Our collective effort makes this outreach mission of music possible.