Affirmation of Baptism – Sunday Oct 28th

On Reformation Sunday, four Trinity youth will Affirm their Baptisms.  Please pray for Ben Butler, Kate Noroian, Ethan Paixao, and Evan Taylor as they prepare for this day.

Thank you to the students’ sponsors who have mentored and met with them over the past year: Trent Alexoplous (Ben’s sponsor), Katherine Duffy (Kate’s sponsor), Jo Alexoplous (Ethan’s sponsor), and Max Guertin (Evan’s sponsor).  We pray for their life in Christ and ask for the Holy Spirit to continue working in their lives.

Stir up in them the gift of your Holy Spirit: the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord, the spirit of joy in your presence, both now and forever.  Amen.

The baptismal font has been moved to the head of the center aisle.  It is hoped that in this location the assembly will be able to participate fully in the rites of baptism and affirmation of baptism and join with the baptized and those affirming their baptism in celebrating their new lives in Christ.