Donate to support Afghan Family Resettlement in Worcester


The Trinity Neighborhood Support Team (NST) is comprised of people from Trinity, Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, and Concordia Lutheran Church.  The NST’s Fundraising Committee invites you to consider donating a year end monetary gift to help with our resettlement efforts of a family from Afghanistan. Although we don’t yet know the entire extent of the financial need, we do expect to incur substantial expenses as we help our family (once assigned) get settled and continue to work with them until they eventually reach financial independence. Early in 2022, we anticipate that we’ll know more about the family who has been assigned to us. At that point, we’ll provide an update on our fundraising efforts to-date and will have a better idea of the total amount of funding that will be needed.

  • Electronic donations can be made using Vanco via Trinity’s website. Use the “Giving” tab and select the “Neighborhood Support Team” option listed under “Special Funds”. For a direct link click HERE
  • Checks can be made payable  to Trinity Lutheran Church with “Neighborhood Support Team” written in the memo line. These checks can be placed in the offering plate or mailed to Trinity at 73 Lancaster Street, Worcester, MA 01609.

Please pass this information along to your family members and friends who are interested in helping with the Afghan resettlement activities. Thank you for your generosity!