
“Facing our Past” Zoom Presentation May 10

“FACING OUR PAST” ZOOM PRESENTATION BY PR. NATHAN MAY 10 / Pastor Nathan invites you to join him for a Zoom presentation on his trip to Montgomery, Alabama in February to visit The Legacy Museum, the Peace and Justice Memorial, the Rosa Parks Museum and the Freedom Trails Museum.  The presentation will be held on Zoom from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 10. A recording of the presentation will be made available […]

Trinity ReconcilingWorks Team Formed to address racial justice

Responding to the cries for racial justice, ReconcilingWorks (the organization that maintains the roster of LGBTQ inclusive and welcoming congregations known as RIC congregations) has asked current RIC congregations to review their welcome statements to include language addressing racial justice, welcome, and inclusion.  At its October meeting, the Trinity Council voted to establish a team to review the Trinity welcome statement to make sure the welcome statement is consistent with expectations of RIC congregations.  Jessica […]

Resources on the Church’s Response to Racism

Where does our congregation stand on issues surrounding racism? What does the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America teach about racism? ELCA Social Statements, News Releases, and other Resources News Release: ELCA Reaffirms Commitment to Combat Racism and White Supremacy (5/29/2020) HERE Condemnation of White Supremacy and Racist Rhetoric (ELCA Social Policy Resolution, 2019) HERE Freed in Christ: Race, Ethnicity, and Culture (ELCA Social Statement, 1993) HERE ELCA Racial Justice Resources Page HERE Response by the […]