2022 Meal Packing By the Numbers

Thanks to all who donated time and money to pack 30,000 meals on Saturday, November 5. Over 65 volunteers representing Trinity, friends of Trinity, WPI, Concordia Lutheran, and other organizations all pitched in to make for a successful community event. We packed the meals that put End Hunger New England across  the 40 million meal threshold!

30,000 — Meals packed (24,000 Spanish Rice and 6,000 Apple Oatmeal)
138 — Boxes of meals
3 — Hours required to pack 30,000 meals
65-70 — Volunteers attending the Meal Packing event
$10,500 — Dollars donated to fund our Meal Packing event
4 — Local food pantries (Webster-Dudley, Paxton, Ware, Spencer) receiving meals
1 — Worcester church (Concordia Lutheran) receiving meals
2 — Countries outside of Central Massachusetts receiving meals (Haiti and Liberia)
20 — Large pizzas enjoyed by volunteers after Meal Packing event
40,000,000 — Total meals packed by End Hunger New England