Responding to the cries for racial justice, ReconcilingWorks (the organization that maintains the roster of LGBTQ inclusive and welcoming congregations known as RIC congregations) has asked current RIC congregations to review their welcome statements to include language addressing racial justice, welcome, and inclusion. At its October meeting, the Trinity Council voted to establish a team to review the Trinity welcome statement to make sure the welcome statement is consistent with expectations of RIC congregations. Jessica Sutherland has agreed to serve as the Chair. If you are interested in serving on the ReconcilingWorks Team, please speak with Jessica or Pastor Nathan.
Trinity Lutheran Church is recognized as an RIC Congregation offering intentional welcome of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons. Trinity regularly participates in Worcester Pride and ministers with several LGBT individuals and families as active members of the congregation.
ReconcilingWorks is an independent, Lutheran, membership-supported organization committed to strengthening all of God’s beloved children for authentic, visible, faithful lives and to work of systemic change within the church and society. The organization works with the recognition that racism, sexism, ageism, able-ism, heterosexism, homophobia, and all other artificial distnictions that seek to raise one group into privilege and preference over another, conspire together to diminish our world and church.