The Stewardship Committee has selected Sunday, October 23rd as Commitment Sunday. On that Sunday, members of the congregation are invited to submit their Financial Commitment for 2023. This year, the Stewardship Committee is inviting members of Trinity to prayerfully consider percentage giving and growing to the next percentage of household income. After identifying your current percentage of giving to the congregation (2%, 5%, 10%) can you grow to the next percentage of your income? Members of the Congregational Council, Finance Committee and Stewardship Committee have already accepted this challenge and submitted their pledges for 2023. Combined, their pledges represent a 13% increase over their 2022 financial support.
Percentage giving is discerned by taking your donations to Trinity over a certain period of time (per week, per month, per year) and dividing that by your income over that same period of time. For example, if you gave $100 to Trinity every month, and your income for the month was $2,500 your percentage giving would be 4% (100 divided by 2,500 = .04). The challenge in this case would be to grow to 5%. You reach that figure by multiplying your income by .05. In this case $2,500 x .05 = $125. The challenge is to grow your pledge income from $100 per month to $125 per month.
With inflation currently at between 8-9%, and with staggering increases expected for heat and electricity that will impact the 2023 budget, the Stewardship Committee, along with the Council and Finance Committee, invite each member of the congregation to take seriously their responsibility to help fund the ministry and increase their financial support to the congregation. If as many members that could would increase their giving to the next percentage of their income, this would go a long way in responding to increased costs and supporting our current ministry. Please note: the Council invites you to an information session on October 16 to discuss the budget in relation to staff costs.
We give thanks that from God all good blessings flow and that God has blessed Trinity with amazing resources and abundance! As good stewards of the many blessings God has given, please prayerfully consider increasing your financial support to the congregation so that we can continue to welcome, proclaim, and serve in Christ’s name.