News & Updates

Below are the news articles that have been posted to the web site. Use the menu to access Trinity News, Trinity E-News, or news about Music at Trinity.

A Message on Covid Precautions – May 2022

Covid transmission rates are once again on the rise in Worcester. In response, as leaders of the congregation, we are tasked with responding in a way that loves and cares for the least among us and fulfills our Christian duty to love God by loving and serving our neighbors. To avoid mask mandates or suspension of in-person activities, but to respond seriously to the ongoing reality of Covid, we invite all participants in the ministry […]

IHN Tidy Up Tuesdays

In the Hour of Need (IHN) family shelter can use help on “TIDY UP TUESDAYS.” Join IHN on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month from 10am until 2pm to lend a hand with tasks that need to be done. Light lunch will be provided.  Tasks include, but not limited to room cleaning, window washing, lawn mowing, putting away donations, painting, or anything that needs some attention. For more information, contact Sherri at [email protected] […]

Have Something? Need Something?

This is a new feature that will be ongoing. It is a space dedicated to sharing what we have and asking for what we need. If you have something to give away for free OR if you are in need of anything, you can contact Chris Jackel in the office by Tuesday at noon. You can tell her what you have/need and provide a way for people to contact you directly. Please do not drop […]

Camp and college scholarships available – application deadline May 30

The Trinity Scholarship Fund provides camp scholarships to children of the congregation ages 8 to 18 attending Camp Calumet summer camp and college scholarships to high school graduates attending an accredited college or university.  The amount of funding varies from year-to-year depending on the amount of money available and the number of children applying. To apply, please download an application: Camp Calumet Scholarship Application – CLICK HERE College Scholarship Application – CLICK HERE Applications are […]

Coffee and C.A.T. with the Council – Sundays in May

The Congregational Council will be hosting coffee and conversation in Jeppson Hall immediately following the 10:00 a.m. Eucharist on Sundays in May.  Council members will offer a brief presentation on the results of the CAT survey taken in February and will be available for conversation and questions about the survey. For an initial report from the Council click HERE.  Topic for Sunday, May 15: Drivers of Energy, Satisfaction, Critical Success Factors and Purpose Drivers of […]

Council report on results from the CAT (Congregational Assessment Tool)

Council Report on results from the CAT (Congregation Assessment Tool) Report prepared by Council members Karen Couturier, Nancy Fontneau, Beth Getman, Bryan Gregoire, Roz Horn, and Mary Tarquinion on behalf of the entire Council.  What is the CAT? The CAT, or Congregation Assessment Tool, is a questionnaire that looks at our church in comparison to more than 2000 mainline Protestant churches.  As Pastor Sara Anderson told the council, the CAT data allow us to “make […]

“Facing our Past” Zoom Presentation May 10

“FACING OUR PAST” ZOOM PRESENTATION BY PR. NATHAN MAY 10 / Pastor Nathan invites you to join him for a Zoom presentation on his trip to Montgomery, Alabama in February to visit The Legacy Museum, the Peace and Justice Memorial, the Rosa Parks Museum and the Freedom Trails Museum.  The presentation will be held on Zoom from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 10. A recording of the presentation will be made available […]

Grace Unbounded: Video Blog Devotions for Lent 2022

April 16 with congregant Mary Tarquinio April 15 with congregant Dave Horn April 14 with Pastor Nathan April 13 with Jena Hill April 12 with Cantor Mark April 11 with Pastor Nathan April 9 with congregant Thom Tarquinio April 8 with Congregation Treasurer Nancy Fontneau April 7 with Congregation Vice-president Bethellen Getman April 6 with Jena Hill April 5 with Cantor Mark April 4 with Pastor Nathan April 2 with Jena Hill April 1 with […]

Holy Week at Trinity

Sunday, April 10: Sunday of the Passion / Palm Sunday 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist with Palm Procession 4:00 p.m. Music at Trinity: St. Luke Passion by William David Cooper Thursday, April 14: Maundy Thursday 12:00 Noon Holy Eucharist 3:45 p.m. Family Liturgy with Bible Story and Footwashing 7:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist with Footwashing Friday, April 15: Good Friday 12:00 Noon Adoration of the Cross 3:45 p.m. Family Liturgy with Bible Story and Prayer 7:00 p.m. […]