News & Updates

Below are the news articles that have been posted to the web site. Use the menu to access Trinity News, Trinity E-News, or news about Music at Trinity.

2024 Scholarship and Campership applications due Wednesday, May 22

Applications for 2024 College Scholarships and 2024 Camp Calumet Camperships are now available. The Scholarship Committee welcomes applications for a Trinity College Scholarship from any active and confirmed member of Trinity Lutheran Church and applications for a Camp Calumet Campership on behalf of any baptized child of the congregation. Completed applications, and required application materials, are due in the church office by Wednesday, May 22, 2024. For more information about scholarships and camperships, and to […]

Christy Fyfe hired as Interim Youth & Family Lay Leader

Former TLC Christian Preschool teacher Christy Fyfe has been hired to an interim position as Trinity’s Youth & Family Lay Leader.  “Miss Christy,” as the children will call her, has over 30 years of experience in preschool education, and is licensed in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a K-2 teacher. Most recently Christy, and her husband Matt, were the lead volunteers for Trinity’s 2024 winter basketball program. The interim position of Youth & Family Lay […]

ELCA Conference of Bishops calls for bilateral cease-fire in Gaza

Statement from the ELCA Conference of Bishops calling for a permanent bilateral cease-fire in Gaza ITASCA, Ill. (March 2, 2024) – The Conference of Bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is adding its voice to the growing group of faith leaders urgently calling for a permanent bilateral cease-fire in Gaza. We urge President Joe Biden, our legislators, and all who lead and make decisions on behalf of the United States to do […]

Building Use Conversation this Sunday, May 5 at 11:30 a.m.

On Monday, April 29th, the Congregational Council met with a 501(c)(3) non-profit community organization interested in leasing some of the space being vacated by The T.E.C. Schools at the end of June. The Council is excited about the potential partnership and will share information about the organization, the exact space to be used, and the budgetary impact on the congregation at Sunday’s meeting. The Council is also excited that while there will be no change […]

Building Use Conversation on Sunday, May 5

The Congregation Council invites members of Trinity tonversation on Sunday, May 5 at 11:30 a.m. in the Library about the use of the Trinity building by outside community groups. The Council was recently informed that after eight years at Trinity, The T.E.C. Schools has decided not to renew an agreement with Trinity for the upcoming school year and will instead be moving to Congregation Beth Israel, 15 Jamesbury Drive, Worcester beginning in July. In light […]

Sunday Servants Training held April 28 at 11:30am

All current, prospective, and interested assisting ministers, lectors, crucifers, communion servers and ushers for the 10:00 a.m. Sunday Holy Eucharist are invited to attend a “Sunday Servants Training” on Sunday, April 28th at 11:30 a.m. in the Nave. This will be both a refresher for those currently serving and a way for those who are interested in any of these ministries to learn more. Please speak with Pastor Nathan, Cantor Mark, or Worship Ministry Team […]

Updated Covid-19 guidance for staff and volunteers

The Trinity Council has approved updated Covid-19 guidance for the congregation which follows the guidance of the CDC. The updated guidance is required of Trinity staff and is encouraged for all members and friends: Staff and volunteers can go back to normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, both are true: Symptoms are getting better overall, and Fever is not present without the use of fever-reducing medication When returning to parish activities, staff and […]

Dine with Nine dinner groups are forming – sign up deadline this Sunday, April 14

Groups are currently being formed for the next round of Dine with Nine dinners in April, May and June.  If you would like to participate, please add your name to the sign-up sheet located in the hallway leading to the Nave outside of Jeppson Hall. The deadline for signing up is THIS Sunday, April 14.  Dine with Nine is a fellowship ministry of the congregation which provides members and friends of Trinity the opportunity to […]