Come, Emmanuel: Devotions for Advent & Christmas

Explore the Advent season and celebrate the joy of the twelve days of Christmas and the day of Epiphany with this devotional.  Copies are available at the entrances to the Nave and Chapel. E-versions may be purchased here.

In “Come, Emmanuel” we join Christians around the world, past and present, in the Advent tradition of reflecting on brief prayers known as the “O Antiphons.” Christians have used the O Antiphons since the eighth century or perhaps even longer. On the first day of each set of devotions, a contemporary version of the antiphon serves as the scripture text, and a stanza from “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” serves as the “To Ponder” quotation. The next four days in the set includes scripture texts traditionally associated with the antiphon and quotes chosen by the authors.

Emmanuel came that first Christmas. Emmanuel comes to us today. Emmanuel will come again. Rejoice and share the good news!