Congregational Annual Meeting was held on January 28, 2024

The Congregational Annual Meeting was held following the 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist on Sunday, January 28, 2024. The meeting was called to order by Council President Karen Couturier and a quorum was established.  The Congregation:

  1. approved the 2024 Congregational Budget as presented. Three amendments to the budget failed.

  2. approved Bylaws defining the responsibilities of the Financial Secretary and establishing the TLC Care Team as a Ministry Team.

  3. elected Nathan Cummings, Kevin Erkkila, Jim Drackley, and Dale Mattice to three-year terms on the Congregational Council.

  4. elected Rick Lagueux and Brad Lehman to one-year terms on the Congregational Council.

  5. elected Loie Angelsten, Amanda Cummings, Dave Horn, and Paula Wyble to the 2024 Nominating Committee.

  6. elected Susan Brown and Nathan Cummings as Voting Members to the 2024 New England Synod Assembly.

  7. heard reports from the Stewardship Team (Kevin Erkkila), Listening Team (Karen Couturier), and Artwork Team (Deacon Susan Lindberg Haley).

  8. thanked Karen Couturier with a standing ovation in recognition for her two terms as Council President.