Lift Every Voice: Sabbatical Preaching Series

Lift Every Voice: Centering Clergy of Color in Preaching and Worship Leadership

The Trinity Sabbatical Team has invited several local and national ELCA ministers of color to preach and preside on the Sunday mornings listed below. These guest preachers have been invited to bring to the center of our congregational life voices and perspectives that have been pushed to the margins or silenced altogether in our church denomination.

All preachers will be preaching at Trinity’s 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist which is available to be livestreamed.  To watch the livestream, or to watch a video of the service at any time, please CLICK HERE.

Aug 20 – Pastor Tiffany Chaney*,  Pastor Developer for Gathered by Grace, Montgomery AL and member of the ELCA Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church

Aug 27 – Pastor Angela !Khabeb*, “Grounded in Grace” Columnist – Living Lutheran,  Minneapolis, MN

Sep 3  – Pastor Rafaela Morales-Rosa, Worcester, MA

Sep 10 – Pastor Nelson Rabell-Gonzalez*, Pastor of Iglesia Luterana Santa María Peregrina, Stockton, CA HAS BEEN POSTPONED UNTIL A LATER DATE

Sep 24 – Pastor Susan Gaeta, Pastor of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, Ayer, MA, and member of the New England Synod Antiracism Advisory Board

*New England Synod “I Have a Dream Fund” – Travel expenses for Pastor Chaney, Pastor !Khabeb, and Pastor Rabell-Gonzalez are funded through a $5,000 grant Trinity received from the New England Synod’s “I Have a Dream Fund.” This fund was established by the Rev. Margaret and John Payne to provide financial resources for those who long for an end to racism and an increase in understanding across cultural barriers. For more about the grant  CLICK HERE. 

On Sundays, Aug 20, Aug 27, Sep 10, and Sep 24 the Sunday 8:00 a.m. liturgy will be sung Morning Prayer led by Cantor Mark. Guest preachers will preach and preside only at the 10:00 a.m. Eucharist.