Choirs at Trinity
In the church, the primary musical instrument is the human voice, given by God to sing and proclaim the word of God. Each time we gather for worship we lift our voices in song illuminating God’s word, shaping our prayer, and surrounding the sacraments.
We are blessed with choirs that lead, teach, and proclaim within the assembly. Choirs meet regularly to rehearse the assembly’s music in order to lead it, and rehearse and sing music on behalf of the assembly to augment our liturgies.
Trinity Choristers (Grade 3 through 10) – The choristers meet weekly during the school year, learning music to frequently lead and sing at Sunday worship, and each week provides musical leadership for mid-week worship on Wednesday. The choristers learn music reading skills, receive training in vocal production, and gain an understanding of the liturgy and its parts. The choristers also participate in special liturgies such as the Blessing of the Animals in early October and Advent Lessons and Carols. Trinity Choristers meet Wednesdays from 5:00-6:30 p.m. (with Fellowship Supper following). To register children and youth for Trinity Choristers, please pick up a form available from the Parish Office, or from Cantor Mark.
Junior Choristers (Kindergarten to Grade 2) – This group, formerly known as the Novice Training Choir, learns basic singing and instrument skills while learning music to sing in worship occasionally throughout the year.
Trinity Choir – This volunteer mixed choral group sings and leads at the 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist most Sundays from September to early June, as well as at selected festival liturgies throughout the church year such as Advent Lessons & Carols and the liturgy of the Three Days in Holy Week. Trinity Choir has a long and rich history of singing the finest music for worship possible. Trinity Choir sings music from various times and places, and serves as a principal leader of assembly song in worship. Those who wish to sing with the Trinity Choir should first make an interview appointment with the Cantor. Weekly rehearsals are Thursdays from 7-9 p.m. and Sundays at 9:10 a.m. prior to worship.
In addition, an Occasional Choir is formed to sing for selected liturgies during the year. If a smaller commitment to the music program is best suited for you, this opportunity may suit best. An occasional choir will meet as announced, typically for one rehearsal prior to a scheduled liturgy.
To learn more about any of the choirs at Trinity, or to sign up, please contact Cantor Mark Mummert, at 508.753.2989 x14 or [email protected].
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