Awesomeness of the Week

These are the people that make Trinity work!

Bake Sale for Breakfast

Thanks to the generosity of many people, the Bake Sale a few weeks ago made $1,119. The money will go towards Concordia Lutheran Church’s Breakfast Program ministry. The bakers were here late into Friday night and returned early on Saturday morning to resume baking.  The Bake Sale officially began on Saturday morning during the Preschool’s Family Event and ended on Sunday morning. Thank you to all who donated supplies, baked goods, came to help cook, […]

TV Ministry

For ten years, Trinity has had been blessed by an outreach ministry that happens behind the scenes..the TV Ministry. A team of people work quickly and efficiently each week to record our 10am worship services that have been aired on television and online. We are grateful for this dedicated group and their ability to produce high quality, professional videos that are viewed locally, around the country and throughout the world. What an awesome way to […]

Advent Begins with Wreaths and Cards

Last Saturday, a handful of Trinity folks showed up to decorate the interior of the Nave and the exterior of the building with wreaths in preparation for Advent. Thanks to all who helped find the decorations ahead of time and thanks to those who came to help put them up! Many hands make the work light. On Saturday and Sunday, there was a DIY Advent Wreath Station open. MANY THANKS TO NANCY HAGBERG for the […]

Dale and the Nametags

Earlier this year, Dale Mattice noticed that the nametags weren’t really being used. She offered to revamp the nametags and how they’re displayed. Thanks to Dale, we have new nametags and a display board and we think it’s awesome!  Everyone who wants a name tag has received one, including Martin Luther! Thank you, Dale for taking on another project on top of what you already do here at Trinity as a Welcome Desk volunteer and […]

TLC Christian Preschool Staff

One of Trinity’s important ministries is the TLC Christian Preschool. There is so much joy in the Preschool! What an awesome group of teachers and directors we have doing ministry alongside us! They are creative and thoughtful in their teaching, leading and programming. They love and care deeply about each and every one of the students who walks through our doors each day. We love you, Christy, Tanya, Joan, Diane, Donna and Patti.  We are […]

Spaces Cleaned, Organized and Spruced Up

Over the past few months, our Building Manager, Frank has been working closely with Judy and Carl to clean, organize, paint and spruce up a lot of the spaces at Trinity that most of us don’t see. The three of them have spent countless hours together in the basement, the attic, storage closets, the pump room and the boiler room to make those spaces more usable. They’ve thrown things away, have found new “treasures” and have […]

Thom, Anthy and Matthew-Meal Packing Organizers

BIG THANKS to Thom Tarquinio and Anthy Angelo for all of their behind the scenes work leading up to the Meal Packing event that happened on Saturday, November 9th.  Months ago, Thom and Anthy started working to fundraise and get Trinity ready for Meal Packing. They planned and organized the International Dinner in October (a fundraiser-fellowship event), made connections with local and international groups who would benefit from the meals packed, organized volunteers and made […]

Kids Express and Teen LOGOS at Concordia Lutheran

On Friday nights during the school year, Concordia Lutheran Church hosts Kids Express and Teen LOGOS, ministries for children and teens from the church and neighborhood.  Trinity (and other churches) take turns providing the meal for the staff, volunteers and participants. This past Friday night was the first of Trinity’s opportunities to serve.  We are grateful for Mary Olson and Katherine Duffy who have been faithfully doing this work on behalf of Trinity for several […]

Hospitality and Funerals

Whenever there’s a funeral at Trinity, a group of volunteers shows up to make sure that the family of the deceased is comfortable and that people are greeted and made to feel welcome. Others come to assist and serve during the funeral service while others are here to help set up Jeppson Hall if there is a collation (light meal). They work with caterers to ensure that everything is ready to serve and they stay […]

Anna Circle

One of the fellowship opportunities that exists at Trinity are the “Circles.”  The Anna Circle meets monthly for fellowship, reflection and refreshments. They spend time with one another, get to know one another’s stories and most importantly, they care for each other. We are grateful for this group of women who love The Church and one another!