Transition Team Update

Thank you for the warm welcome my wife, Linda, and I received as this Interim has begun! I’m also grateful to take advantage of a comfortable place to stay offered by the Lehmans to help cut down on the commuting time from our home in Stockbridge.   The Trinity Staff and volunteers have also been very helpful as I began “learning the ropes” in the office and in the church life.  Cantor Mark has been particularly gracious in helping me along.

It has been a blessing to begin getting acquainted with Trinity folks.   I do my best in remembering names but please do forgive me if I ask for a “refresher.”  The name tags are helpful!

One of my goals is to visit members in leadership and others who would like to visit.  This will happen naturally in meetings, studies and other activities as I drop in and participate from time to time or as duties require but I also hope to visit those who are open to it at home, in a coffee shop or other settings.   Let me know if you’d like to get together!  And please don’t hesitate to reach out to me personally if you have questions, comments or pastoral care needs.   You can reach me or leave a message at the church office or on my email, [email protected].

A “Transition Team” has been gathered to begin our work of discernment in earnest. This is a temporary task force of 6-8 people who will be helping to facilitate the transition process which includes choosing and organizing events and activities that involve both small group and large group congregational input, much of which will eventually be analyzed, summed up, and included in the development of a “Ministry Site Profile” (MSP), a kind of “resume” of the congregation that is submitted to the New England Synod and the ELCA to be “matched up” with a kind of “resume” of potential pastoral candidates that is called the “Rostered Minister Profile” (RMP).  Then a call process may begin.

Team members include:  Jennifer D’Amico O’Connor, Mark Lin, Dale Mattice, Jessica Sutherland, Bess Sproul, Maureen Stake, and myself.  We held our first meeting this past Tuesday with fruitful discussion about our roles and tasks. This team will keep the congregation regularly informed about potential upcoming projects and activities.   Feel free to share with any of this team your questions, thoughts and ideas about Trinity’s mission and purpose.

Most of all, for all Trinity members and friends, please keep this transition time and our task of discerning God’s will in your regular prayers!

Serving Christ with you,

Pastor Mark