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Worship on Sunday, July 28: Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, July 28, 2024 Tenth Sunday after Pentecost Commemoration of J. S. Bach, G. F. Handel, and H. Schutz 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist in the air-conditioned Christ Chapel 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist in the Nave Livestreamed at our Vimeo Channel:

Thank you from Pastor Nathan

Dear beloved people of Trinity, Thank you for the fond farewell party you threw in my honor after the 10:00 a.m. Eucharist on Sunday, July 21st. I felt much love and appreciation. Thank you for the two gifts you presented me: the Kelly Latimore print of the Holy Trinity and the lovely crosier (shepherd’s staff) which will be presented to me during my Installation on Saturday, September 7th. I appreciate both gifts and know they […]

Coffee Hour Green Initiative Pilot Program: Bring Your Own Mug

The Hospitality, Fellowship, and Welcoming Ministry Team invites you to make a small change to help reduce Trinity’s waste: bring your own mug to Coffee Hour! Did you know that paper coffee cups are used for an average of 13 minutes before being tossed out? Or that one tossed coffee cup per day adds up to 23lbs of waste a year? During the summer months, please bring your own mug (BYOM) to coffee hour and rinse […]

Faith In Action Projects

The Faith in Action Ministry Team invites your participation: The Little Food Pantry (LFP) has been repaired. We now have solid wood doors thanks to Gerry Fin. His carpentry skills are much appreciated. Thanks to all who have continued to stock the LFP. Currently we could use toothbrushes and small soaps. We also can use snacks of any type, Ramen soups, nuts, water, tuna snacks. Feel free to put items in the pantry at any […]

Bishop’s Installation Reception Planning

Installation Reception Committee Hospitality, Fellowship, and Welcoming Ministry Team is putting together a committee to oversee the Bishop installation reception that will take place following the 1pm service on September 7th. If you are interested in serving on the committee or serving as committee chair for this event, please speak with Amanda Cummings either in-person or via email at [email protected]

Dick’s Market Garden Farmstand

Trinity is hosting Dick’s Market Garden Farmstand in the parking lot on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. through Saturday, October 12th. Dick’s is a family farm, owned and operated since 1944, that offers fresh seasonal produce. In return for use of the parking lot, Dick’s offers Trinity coupons each Saturday. For a free coupon worth $20 in produce, please contact Office Manager Chris Jackel.

Summer Stewardship

Many thanks, again, to the members who have returned their Time and Talent pledge forms this spring Special thanks to those who volunteered for the first time or were able to participate in an additional ministry, many of whom expressed an interest in serving as lectors and bread bakers. Of course, any time is a good time to participate in God’s work, including now! The summer presents its own set of challenges, particularly for the […]