News & Updates

Below are the news articles that have been posted to the web site. Use the menu to access Trinity News, Trinity E-News, or news about Music at Trinity.

Preservation of the King Gustav V Altar Cloth

The 75th Anniversary Committee thanks members of the congregation for their generous financial support of the yearlong celebration of Trinity’s founding in 1948. Remaining monies collected by donations, along with two sizable donations by individual members, are enough to cover the cost of preserving the altar cloth (antependium) embroidered by King Gustav V of Sweden and donated to Trinity Lutheran Church in 1948.  The antependium is currently off-site and being preserved by Ed Turner Art and […]

Sunday Servants Training

Note: this training is cancelled for January 7th because of the forecast for winter weather and will be rescheduled to a later date. Please watch for more information.  On Sunday, January 7 at 11:30 a.m. we will train all new and continuing worship assistants…. all of our “Sunday Servants.” All assisting ministers, lectors, communion assistants, bread bakers, crucifers, and acolytes should plan to attend. This is also a good time for anyone who wants to […]

Exciting Family Gatherings (EFG)

Note: this gathering is cancelled for January 7th due to the forecast for winter weather.  Trinity’s EFG group will be having a small Epiphany celebration on Sunday, January 7 during the 9:00 a.m. Family Sunday School hour in the Multipurpose Room. We will be reading La Noche Before Three Kings Day and The Legend of Old Befana, enjoying delicious traditional “Three Kings Cake” and decorating our own crowns. If you are able, please bring a non-perishable food […]

Middle East Humanitarian Crisis – Give to Lutheran Disaster Response

The Rev. Daniel Rift, Executive Director of the ELCA World Hunger and Lutheran Disaster Response Fund, invites you to make a donation in response to the humanitarian crisis in the middle east. The humanitarian crisis continues to worsen – almost 70% of Gazan residents are displaced, and resources such as food, water and medical supplies are in short supply. The death toll has far surpassed those of previous conflicts in the region in recent decades. […]

Consider a special Christmas donation to Trinity

The holiday season of Christmas is a season of sharing, of gift giving in memory and celebration of the gift of salvation in Jesus Christ. In the spirit of hope and love, the Trinity Stewardship Team invites you to consider memorializing departed family and friends with a gift to Trinity. Gifts in honor of loved ones can be made in any amount to the Mission Endowment, House of the Lord, Altar and Organ, or Good […]

2024 Offering Envelopes

2024 Offering envelopes are available to be picked up beginning Sunday, December 10th. Offering envelopes have been prepared for those members and friends of Trinity who use envelopes for financial giving. Envelopes have not been prepared for those who regularly give online via Vanco. Please contact Financial Secretary Lisa Stone in the Church Office if you believe you should have received envelopes or you would like to receive envelopes. To set up regular electronic payments […]

Christmas Eve Dinner

The Second-Annual Christmas Eve Dinner to be held on Sunday, December 24 at 5:15 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall between the Christmas Eve liturgies. The four-course meal will be catered and the suggested donation is $15 per person. RSVP’s were requested by Wednesday, December 20th and are now closed. Please speak with Pastor Nathan or Cantor Mark if your plans have changed and you are not attending so as to allow others who may not […]

Clothing Collection Shed in Parking Lot

We invite you to consider making donations to the Clothing Collection Shed in the Trinity parking lot next to the playground. The shed is managed by St. Pauly Textile Inc. Trinity will receive 4 cents for every pound of clothes collected which will be paid to us monthly.  The items collected in the shed will NOT be recycled but WILL BE distributed to people and organizations all over the world. Please only donate items that […]

December Trinity News

Read the December edition of the Trinity News monthly newletter here: DECEMBER Trinity News FINAL

Come, Emmanuel: Devotions for Advent & Christmas

Explore the Advent season and celebrate the joy of the twelve days of Christmas and the day of Epiphany with this devotional.  Copies are available at the entrances to the Nave and Chapel. E-versions may be purchased here. In “Come, Emmanuel” we join Christians around the world, past and present, in the Advent tradition of reflecting on brief prayers known as the “O Antiphons.” Christians have used the O Antiphons since the eighth century or perhaps […]