News & Updates

Below are the news articles that have been posted to the web site. Use the menu to access Trinity News, Trinity E-News, or news about Music at Trinity.

Get Excited! Meal Packing Returns April 2025

MEAL PACKING EVENT Trinity Lutheran is planning to do a Meal Packing event to provide 20,000 protein rich meals.  It is a fun and rewarding event you can participate in.  The date is expected to be in early April.  Further details will be coming.  Please plan now to save the date and start supporting the event.  For more information contact [email protected].

Support the Carty Cupboard Food Pantry

Members of Trinity support the Carty Cupboard Food Pantry, 114 Main Street, Worcester, throughout the year. Items such as cans of hearty soup, canned meals including Chef Boyardee, tuna, and nutritious cereals are always wecomed. Watch the Sunday bulletin for any specific food items requested. Donations may be placed in the shopping cart leading to the hallway to the Nave. Items are received in the grocery cart every Sunday and items collected through the month […]

Faith Formation and Christian Education

Trinity provides many ways for disciples of Jesus to grow in their faith. Please contact a member of the Ministry Staff for more information about any of these programs and how you can participate. CHILDREN’S TIME / During the 10:00 a.m. Eucharist following the reading of the Holy Gospel, children are invited forward to the Chancel steps for a Children’s message. Immediately following, during the sermon, hymn of the day, and intercessions, Children are invited […]

The Complete Bach project and Trinity Church

Music Worcester has announced a new project: THE COMPLETE BACH. In 11 years, during 12 concerts each year, ALL of the works of J. S. Bach will be presented live in various venues around Worcester, including Trinity Lutheran Church. Dr. Chris Shepard explains this project in a video recorded in the nave of Trinity Church to help spread the news about the project. We invite you to watch the film for more information about the […]

Ethiopian Processional Cross

The Trinity Artwork Team invites you to notice the Ethiopian processional cross displayed next to the lectern and used during the gospel processon on Sundays.  The Artwork Team has made a conscious choice to adorn the cross with a piece of traditional Kente cloth.  Kente cloth has been used in modern times as a symbol of African identity. Historically, Ethiopian monarchs often gifted processional crosses as signs of gratitude. Our hope is that it serves […]

Letter of Resignation from Pastor Nathan

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 Dear people of Trinity: This letter serves as notice of my intent to resign my call to serve as pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church effective on Friday, July 26, 2024. As you know, the reason for this resignation is the humbling honor of my election as Bishop of the New England Synod. I begin that new call on Thursday, August 1, 2024. My last Sunday leading worship as your pastor will […]

Summit Academy to begin tenure at Trinity on July 1

The Congregational Council, in a unanimous vote and after hearing only positive affirmation at the May 5 Building Use Forum, has voted to enter into a relationship with Summit Academy, Worcester for use of the ground and first floor of the Education Wing. The agreement begins July 1, 2024 and involves some of the spaces being vacated by The T.E.C. Schools when their lease expires June 30, 2024. Summit Academy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit licensed […]

Read the June edition of the Trinity News monthly newsletter

Click here to access the June Trinity News: June Trinity News FINAL The Trinity News is a communication ministry of Trinity Church that includes a lead article by a member of the ministry staff, a report from the Council President, news and updates regarding various ministries and activities at Trinity, a listing of those 75-years-old and older celebrating birthdays, and a listing of couples celebrating at least 25 years of marriage. The newsletter is emailed […]

Pastor Nathan Pipho Elected Bishop of the New England Synod

PASTOR NATHAN PIPHO was elected bishop of the New England Synod of the ELCA on Friday, June 7th, 2024 at the New England Synod Assembly. Pastor Nathan was elected on the  fifth ballot. 425 votes cast: Rev. Nathan Pipho (261 votes), Rev. Sara Anderson (164 votes) + + + + The results of the fourth ballot for synod bishop were announced at 3:50 p.m. on Friday. 427 legal votes cast; Rev Nathan Pipho (232 votes); […]

Counters Needed

The Finance Committee is looking to add volunteers to our current Sunday counting roster.  Counting the Sunday offering is an easy way to share your time and talent.  There are currently 10 names on the list, but with vacations, emergencies and other unscheduled life events, we could use a few more arms in the bullpen, so to speak. Counting the offering takes place after the 10 a.m. service and takes anywhere from 30 to 45 […]